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기존 광고매체의 킬러 Yahoo!

웹 포털 사이트 야후가 기존의 전통적인 광고 매체들을 위협하는 존재가 되고 있다.
전세계 웹 사용자의 60%가 야후를 방문하며, 미국 500대 기업 임직원의 70%가 야후를 이용한다. 야후는 1억6,600만명의 이용자를 추적하며, 5,500만명의 이용자가 야후에 개인 정보를 공개했다. 야후는 이러한 자료를 바탕으로 전례없이 개인화된 광고를 제공하며, 모든 광고에 대해 즉각적인 피드백을 받는다.
따라서 광고료 역시 높다. 올해 보통 웹사이트의 광고료는 1,000뷰당 5달러 이하로 떨어졌지만, 야후의 타겟 광고료는 1,000뷰당 156달러까지 달한다. 이는 수퍼볼 기간 중의 30초 TV 광고료의 아홉 배에 달하는 금액이다. 특정 그룹에게 보내는 맞춤 전자우편 광고료는 더 높아서 1,000뷰당 300달러이다. 이는 경제지의 전면 광고료의 세 배에 해당한다. TV의 ‘리치 미디어’를 웹과 결합하는 고속 광대역 서비스가 활성화되면 광고료는 더욱 올
라갈 것이다.
이와 같은 야후의 이용자 추적을 통한 광고 개인화 정책은 큰 파급 효과를 몰고 왔다. 광고업계와 광고주들은 유사한 정책을 채택했다. 한편 사생활 보호론자들은 야후를 비난해왔다. 그러나 아직도 야후가 이 때문에 제재를 받은 적은 없으며, 이 분야에서 야후는 독보적인 존재이다. 야후는 고객들이 야후의 광고 개인화 전략을 알고 있으며, 자신들은 그 대가로 고객들에게 무료로 서비스를 제공하기 때문에 문제될 것이 없다는 입장이다.
야후는 400가지 서비스를 제공하는 디지털 놀이공원이다. 최근에 개시한 마이야후(http://my.yahoo.com/) 서비스는 기업의 홈페이지를 대신하는 개념이다. 야후의 검색 서비스는 새로운 유행을 미리 읽어낼 수 있는 창의 역할을 한다. 이 모든 서비스는 거대한 광고제국으로 부상하려는 야후의 전략을 뒷받침하고 있다

sources : http://www.forbes.com/forbes/2000/1211/6615168a_print.html


Forbes Magazine, 12.11.00

The Killer Ad Machine
Quentin Hardy,

THERE'S AN OLD JOKE AMONG MARKETERS: "I'm wasting half my ad budget. I just don't know which half." Yahoo, the explosively successful Web portal, has a proposition: We'll tell you which half. We have the technology to do it, when the ad is online.
"Traditional media should get scared," declares Timothy A. Koogle, Yahoo's chief executive. Yes, they should. The world's television stations, radio stations, newspapers and magazines take in more than $200 billion a year for ads, and most of the people doing the buying are working on blind faith that their dollars are producing a return. What if they knew? Would they spend less?

Broadcasting and print publishing are not going to disappear next year or even in the next decade, but the customers are inevitably going to migrate. As screens get sharper and batteries stronger, more people will get their sitcoms and weather reports on demand, their articles on the Web rather than on a piece of paper. The producers of the content will migrate and so will the advertisers. No harm there. But at some point the advertisers will insist on some precise performance measurements, going far beyond the circulation figures and Nielsen ratings they are getting now on the old media. Yahoo will be happy to provide performance data that show results; publishers that don't match the offer will lose advertising clients.

At the moment Yahoo shares with the rest of the Internet world a depressed stock price cut off 75% from its high. Scary thought: Even at its shrunken state, Yahoo's $30 billion valuation on Wall Street makes it worth more than all U.S. magazines put together.

Apart from the stock collapse which means that options are underwater for half of the firm's 3,000 employees Yahoo is a happy anomaly in the online world. It has millions of regular users, a billion dollars in annual sales and 16 consecutive quarters of profit. Koogle says the company would be worth more but for Wall Street's assumption that its ads (which provide 85% of revenue) are just another commodity in a glutted market.

"It hurts me when they don't understand what we're building," says Koogle. And what they are building, he vows, is a killer ad machine, more powerful than print or television , and able to charge far higher prices. It will offer marketers mass reach with a customized, close-up intimacy they never had before. And it will offer instant feedback on every ad. The advertiser will know how many people saw an ad, who they are and how many reacted with a further click or purchase.

Yahoo reaches 60% of all Net users worldwide, and 70% of employees in the 500 biggest companies in the U.S. It tracks the visits of 166 million users, 55 million of whom have obligingly revealed things like their identities, home addresses and personal preferences. Yahoo slices its massive audience into narrow, highly targeted groups as small as 17,000 like-minded souls. Each month it drills into 16 trillion bytes of data on the browsing, buying and social behavior of millions of people.

From this, Yahoo can divine that an anonymous user is a 25-year-old man in California with a Visa card, in need of flowers for the missus and keen to see a "click here" ad from a nearby florist.

Elsewhere in cyberspace the cost of ordinary banner ads has fallen 75% in a year, to less than $5 per 1,000 impressions (cost per thousand, or CPM). That's the cost of a two-inch display ad in a paper with 40,000 subscribers.

At Yahoo, targeted ads can draw a $156 CPM. That works out to the equivalent of nine times the cost of a 30-second TV spot during the Super Bowl. Yahoo's tailored e-mails to specialty groups are even pricier than CPM of $300, triple the price of a full-page ad in a business magazine. The Yahoo machine could get only more powerful as high-speed broadband services expand and it combines the "rich media" of TV spots with the instant interactivity of point-and-click on the Web.

"As users leave more of their personal DNA, there's more value here than in any other medium," Koogle says. "Advertisers want a personal interaction, a lead to convert, and that's what we sell." The Web will let them pay to reach only the right people, and get up close to them.

This rivets marketers, but riles privacy advocates, who argue Yahoo and other Web sites must do more to shield their customers from unauthorized and overly intrusive tracking techniques. Regulators may yet hamper Yahoo's grand plans, but so far they've kept clear.

Yahoo isn't the only place where tracking technology is beginning to take hold. TiVo's disk-based VCR lets advertisers know which family members watched what shows. Forbes and other magazines give readers scanners for bar codes on ads, deriving data on who reads what. Some of the technology is crude, but the trend is clear.

"We should have seen this coming when cable TV and remote controls came in. We were too intent on protecting the past," says Keith Reinhard, chief executive of DDB Worldwide. As ads get more targeted and more measurable, he says, ad agencies and media companies will be held accountable like never before. A few clients now pay DDB based on return-on-investment. Procter & Gamble, a big Web sponsor, buys online ads on a "pay-for-performance" basis.

Yahoo is accelerating the shift. Some Yahoo clients now press other media to provide Yahoo-style data on customer response. "My payout is stronger if I can track the ad," says Christopher McCann, president of 1-800-Flowers.com. "I tell television and magazine advertisers that I'll have to be able to track their data, too."

Even Yahoo resists some changes it is unleashing, insisting it has to control an entire online sale to offer pay-for- performance. Besides, it likes the guaranteed margins from bulk deals. So does DoubleClick, a data-mining ad "network" that monitors behavior on 1,400 Web sites and has more than 80 million user profiles in its database. But with the steps these companies are taking, more ad accountability is inevitable.

Yahoo is well placed to benefit from any shift from blind faith to hard numbers. Compare its elaborate trend-crunching with America Online, which hews to an old broadcast ad model, using sophisticated targeting for only 3% of its ads. Microsoft's MSN doesn't do much in this realm because of difficulties in standardizing databases across all of its services.

At Yahoo a daunting 40% of ad revenue still comes from dot-coms, a wobbly market, but it also serves a blue-chip roster in the real world, including Visa, Eddie Bauer, FTD and Spiegel. And it is only five years since Yahoo started out as an eccentric list of cool sites online, compiled by Stanford classmates Jerry Yang and David Filo.

In March 1995 Sequoia Capital paid the pair nearly $2 million for a 25% stake. Two months later Sequoia brought in Koogle, but no one had figured out how Yahoo might be made into a business. Yang, whose 8.4% stake is worth $2.4 billion, and Filo, with a tad more, weren't even sure they wanted to build a business. "David and I were still saying, so we want to make money?? says Yang, 32, who now works as a technical strategist and Yahoo cheerleader under the title "chief Yahoo."

Koogle, now 49, was a venture capitalist's ideal hire:a smart guy with something to prove. A mechanical engineer with degrees from the University of Virginia and Stanford, he founded a robotics firm in 1982, then, after it failed, worked at Motorola. He later became president of a Litton Industries unit called Intermec, a maker of bar-code scanners. When Sequoia called, he was about to quit Intermec, after his bosses nixed his bold expansion plans.

"He was smart, experienced, and rebounding from a career defeat," says Michael Moritz, a partner at Sequoia Capital.

Why the Internet?

Koogle himself was daunted by the Web, entertaining job offers even as he moved to Yahoo. Then he got it. "What was clear was, if you made it free, it would scale up," Koogle says. "You had to monetize it indirectly, but there are industries that do that." The ad-selling media business came to mind.

Early on David Filo, now 34, turned away from business and focused on building a supple architecture that could scale up to handle Yahoo's growing audience. It would become Koogle's most potent weapon. The system's big databases told Yahoo where people were going on the Internet, because millions used Yahoo for direction.

Those insights guided the company in deploying editorial staff and promoting the hottest areas for advertisers. In 1995 no one at Yahoo knew who this "Salma Hayek" woman was, though swarms of men were searching for her on the Web, so they set up an area that linked Web information about the actress. Desperado , her breakout movie, premiered a month later.

Yahoo went public in April 1996, and Koogle used the soaring stock to fund a $10.7 billion acquisition binge (see sidebar ). His aim: Gather up enough compelling content, features and services to draw consumers in. Then Yahoo could track their preferences as they wandered around. The more services Yahoo offered, the longer its guests would stay, and the more Yahoo could pry into their habits and sharpen efforts to target them.

Today Yahoo is a digital amusement park with 400 different services. Millions of people use Yahoo every day for e-mail, instant messaging, scheduling, Web photo albums, personal home pages, shopping, bill paying, games, auctions and more. Each month Yahoo hosts a billion minutes of Internet phone calls, ships 6.1 billion messages and e-mails, and runs 15 million hours of audio and video.

Admission to this Yahoo park is "free," so long as you don't mind letting your host study your every move as you endure thousands of ads for 3,475 advertisers. Yahoo now runs 21 billion pages a month, most with ads, and 90% of the ads it sells are targeted in some way.

Yahoo's two original services, directory and search, now grab only 20% of the Web site's total page views. The other 80% come from what Koogle has been acquiring and adding. "When people take 2.8 services, they're committed. These are hooks, building trust so they'll stay around and allow themselves to be seen," says Yahoo's president, Jeffrey Mallett, whom Koogle hired in 1995.

Koogle sees this as a good start. Yahoo has $1.6 billion in cash and is set to raise $1 billion more if Web stocks recover. He wants to take the targeted ad model worldwide and build new businesses, from custom corporate work to shopping services.

Such brazen ambitions might be more attainable if Yahoo merged with, say, Viacom, owner of CBS, MTV and other outlets. But partnering up seems an unlikely scenario at Yahoo, whose style, outwardly friendly and inwardly guarded reflects on Koogle himself.

Despite its image as a purple, loopy purveyor of fun, Yahoo is a solitary place defined by an us-against-the-world fervor and a confidence that verges on fatal arrogance. Its self-described "paranoia", but won't even say how many people work in sales irritates analysts. Ad agencies describe the Web company as smart and cocky. Privacy lawyers say Yahoo rarely returns their calls. In a world where an archrival like America Online buys old-media stalwart Time Warner, Koogle's Yahoo has no best friend.

Indeed, Yahoo recently axed plans for an alliance with Disney, one of the world's strongest brands. In a deal worth perhaps $20 million to Yahoo's bottom line, Disney offered to scale back its Go portal, promote Yahoo on television and provide online feeds from its ESPN sports channel and ABC News. In exchange, Disney would co-brand the online offerings and seek access to Yahoo users.

No way, said Yahoo. "People come in and claim to know more about what to do with our brand than we do," says Ellen Siminoff, Yahoo's head of business development. "We don't believe it."

Yahoo may grow pretty well on its own. Old-line marketers are getting a feel for Yahoo's real power. Pepsi paid an estimated $8 million for a promotion on Yahoo, in which drinkers identified themselves and received prizes for entering data they gleaned from bottle caps. In two months Pepsi picked up the names, ages, gender, addresses and consumption levels of 2 million people. That cost one-fifth as much as getting the same data the old way, from mail-in promotions. Gathering the wealth of data took one-third as much time.

The targeting can be eerily powerful. Among Yahoo's millions of adherents, it knows that 83,000, mostly male, are especially hard-core horror fans. It knows that 24.3% of this group is 13 to 17 years old, compared with 11% of all Yahoo users. This past Halloween their third-most-popular video choice was Urban Legends . They are more likely to try a promotional game for Nike shoes (key age group 13 to 17) than for Reebok (a 35- to 44-year-old's shoe). They prefer Britney Spears to Christina Aguilera.

That kind of skinny is valuable to a marketer, and Yahoo plans to charge accordingly. Yahoo's "Buzz Index" spots trends in a thousand separate categories as fast as they arise and alerts 13,000 online retail affiliates, plus Yahoo advertisers. When Yahoo tested it earlier this year, it accurately predicted how well The Phantom Menace would do and that the second-week box office on The Cell would slump.

"We could tell about Pok?on before it caught on," says Stanley Wong, Yahoo's data-mining manager. "Now we talk about psychographical groups, like 멒ranolas,?who are really into the outdoors and mountain biking, using Yahoo."

Yahoo has also learned how to target for one advertiser first, then for its rival. If someone searches under "cars," he or she might get a Ford SUV ad. Within the hour, a Nissan ad appears, because Yahoo has tagged that user and followed him as he flitted to another attraction in its park.

Do users mind the eyes over their shoulders? Jerry Yang says the company isn't giving up names and addresses unless users agree, so what's the big deal? "Do I care if people know what I buy?"Yang asks. "We have to run a free? business to customers. People know we target and use profiled advertising."

There are limits. A core 25% of the country dislikes disclosing personal details. Ad networker DoubleClick met a firestorm of bad press when it tried to merge online data with data from Abacus, a company that gets buying and personal information from things like catalogs. DoubleClick took the personal identifiers out.

Yahoo knows when you are visiting from a work computer. Is that too creepy? Maybe not. It has found a benevolent way to intrude on your workplace. Many companies have Web sites for their own employees, but most staff don't read them. Checking the server addresses of incoming users, Yahoo learned that 70% of corporate users do look at personalized Yahoo pages. Now it offers corporate-sponsored "My Yahoo." For a premium, the companies insert their data where ads used to be, paying to reach their workers.

Yahoo's Web-broadcast business is a corporate service too, hosting more than 1,000 internal announcements from client companies. Koogle hopes to bring one-on-one marketing to full-motion video spots?aspirational" advertising as in the lavish productions done for luxury car ads on television.

When they click around those spots, Koogle promises, "there's a lot more we can do."

Scary? Spooky? There will be people who object to this new world of targeted advertising. But they will not stop Yahoo.